Tuesday 29 November 2011

A man should not have more than one woman

Thesis Statement: A man with only one woman should be strictly practiced to ensure a healthy society.

1.      According to the normative statement with moral judgement, a man should only have one wife. 

2.      The children will follow his father’s path and become unloyal. The development of a child’s thinking and behavior will be affected too. 

3.     Woman will become the victim. They will start to think aside and become more depress. It may also cause mentally ill if it went serious.

In logical, emotional and ethnical, man should not have more than one woman. Adam and Eve create man and woman in pair and it is up to their destiny to meet each other. Once meet they must be loyal to their lover. Serendipity is the only thing occur if the pair separated by Adam and Eve to meet each other can meet again.

Obesity Causes and Effects

Thesis Statement : Obesity is increasing in an alarming rate due to several reasons and  the tragedy of obesity will have some consequences. 

a)      Cause 1: Unbalanced diet according to the food pyramid will cause obesity.   
Effect 1: Diseases tend to approach with the presences of obesity such as diabetes, heart attack, high blood pressure, to cite a few.
Effect 2: Insufficient of vitamin, roughage and fiber will affect human health.

b)      Cause 2: Irregular meal is one of the reasons of the occurrence of obesity.
Effect 1: Digestion and the rate of body metabolism will be affected.
Effect 2: Daily routine will be corrupted as the schedule is not systematic.

c)      Cause 3: Lack of exercise will cause obesity.
Effect 1: Long term of not exercising will cause the fat become saturated.
Effect 2: Fat people will have slower response compared to normal people. 

Obesity can be controlled to a certain extent by realizing the cause and effect.